Saturday, December 19, 2009

A Return To Love

I came to Dorothy once again at midday
hoping to find welcome in her eyes
knowing at some level the futility of pursuit
yet unable to resist her compelling appeal

There was within me need, an indefinable disquiet
that only her presence seemed to soothe
the touch of her fingertips upon my wrist, a salve
her supernal smile my balm

A visit recurrent this return of mine
was a plan to dine on all manner of succulence
the joy of Sac's affording culinary delights
though none so delectable as she

Once before I had come to her in this fashion
ushered to a cozy nook to await a menu
though I had already ascertained in advance
which form of sustenance would best appease me

She'd asked me then to wait, she'd be with me soon
and I'd studied from afar her bustling form
knowing after a brief but keen appraisal
"God's gift" was perfectly apropos as her name

Scampering about, her day a surfeit of intent
hurry was the password of her employ
as she hustled throughout her dining domain
serving both food and the pleasure of her mien

My patience was rewarded when in time she returned
to the comforting lee of our warm conversation
a chaotic ship awry in tempest
she strove for safe harbor in the shelter of my spirit

I don't recall all that passed between us then
certainly it surpassed mere words
a subtext of meanings evinced through caress
thus was effect imparted to both senses and heart

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