Monday, November 9, 2009

Last Rites

Since you've been gone my life has been a wreck
I decided to spend one last day with you, in my mind
To clean up the mess you've left behind

When you left, I thought my life had come to an end
Everything that I believed in fell apart
And I felt that there was no purpose in living

But with the passage of time I realize that life goes on
I have the rest of my life to be happy
Rather than mourning the loss of you

So this morning I called and cancelled your subscription
I threw away the stack of mail that you'll never retrieve
And I made the kitchen table smaller again

I went through the shelves and got rid of your Wheaties
I discarded the eggs and sausage; they'll kill you someday
There's no longer three cans of Bud Lite in the fridge

I went through the closets and packed a few boxes
And visited the Salvation Army
Now every time I see a well-dressed bum I'll think of you

I donated your tools to Jack the handyman
And your bike to Sarah for the garage sale
But your bowling trophies went in the trash

Remember that family photo over the mantle?
I kept the frame; I cut myself picking up shards
But the glass only cost ten dollars to replace

And remember that bundle of love letters you sent
The ones tied with the pink bow? They're all ashes now;
I can't believe I actually had fun burning them

It's too late for apologies, we can never go back
Reconciliation is an impossibity
What you did I cannot forget

You still have a key, but don't expect to find
Any trace of yourself in this home
It's as if you never existed; I live alone

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