Friday, December 18, 2009

An Augury Of Star's

What do signs
form the heavens portend?
When their presence
is made known to Man?

Are they symbolic
our love is fated?
Our lives
part of cosmic plan?

Two millenia ago
a star burst forth
God's presence on Earth

And three men wise
from points afar
did gather
to honor Christ's birth

That star poised brilliant
in Nova's repose
bore the promise
of love undying

And incandescent
beacons eternal
vow love a trillion
years yet shining

A pledge, in essence,
our Creator made
when He fashioned
the Heaven's above

"Believe in Me
and follow My Word
and infinite shall I
herald My Love"

Mine is not
to fathom why
God has merged
the path of our lives

My destiny but
to care for yoy
as Christ did
love his bride

You ask what I see
when I gaze in your eyes
I see love for a friend
beaming through

And as a star fell
from the Heaven's tonight
I fell more deeply
in love with you

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